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"Could you repeat that?" "Sorry, I did not understand you." "Could you just put that in an email?" "Where are you from originally?" "Your accent makes it difficult to understand you."


Do any, or perhaps all of these questions/statements sound familiar? Have you ever struggled understanding your English-speaking counterparts? Or did you want to ask them to repeat themselves but chose not to? Do others speak too quickly or use uncommon phrases that make it more difficult to understand the intent of the person speaking?


Perhaps even more importantly, are you even aware if others have a difficult time understanding you? Do you have an accountability partner who will point out the areas that impact your ability to communicate and connect effectively?


Partner with accentu8pro to help you build and stock your communication toolbox. This 8-week, 8 module program will equip you to take control of your Voice Brand. Together, we will unleash your communication/connection potential!